FreeBSD ÇÚµåºÏ : º¸¾È : Kerberos : Testing it all out
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6.3.5. Testing it all out

First we have to start the Kerberos daemons. NOTE that if you have correctly edited your /etc/rc.conf then this will happen automatically when you reboot. This is only necessary on the Kerberos server. Kerberos clients will automagically get what they need from the /etc/kerberosIV directory.

grunt# kerberos &
grunt# Kerberos server starting
        Sleep forever on error
        Log file is /var/log/kerberos.log
Current Kerberos master key version is 1.

Master key entered.  BEWARE!

Current Kerberos master key version is 1
Local realm: GRONDAR.ZA
grunt# kadmind -n &
grunt# KADM Server KADM0.0A initializing
Please do not use 'kill -9' to kill this job, use a
regular kill instead

Current Kerberos master key version is 1.

Master key entered.  BEWARE!

Now we can try using the kinit command to get a ticket for the id jane that we created above:

grunt$ kinit jane
MIT Project Athena (
Kerberos Initialization for "jane"

Try listing the tokens using klist to see if we really have them:

grunt$ klist
Ticket file:    /tmp/tkt245
Principal:    jane@GRONDAR.ZA

  Issued           Expires          Principal
Apr 30 11:23:22  Apr 30 19:23:22  krbtgt.GRONDAR.ZA@GRONDAR.ZA

Now try changing the password using passwd to check if the kpasswd daemon can get authorization to the Kerberos database:

grunt$ passwd
Old password for jane:
New Password for jane:
Verifying password
New Password for jane:
Password changed.

FreeBSD ÇÚµåºÏ : º¸¾È : Kerberos : Testing it all out
Previous: Populating the database
Next: Adding su privileges