Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- p7zip - Very high compression ratio file archiver
- p7zip-plugins - Additional plugins for p7zip
- pdnsd - 작은 네트워크나 dialin 계정을 위한 캐싱 dns 프락시
- pdnsd-doc - pdnsd 문서
- perl-Mail-Sendmail - Mail-Sendmail 펄 모듈
- perl-ModuleList - 설치된 모든 펄 모듈을 구하는 펄 모듈
- perl-SQLRELAY - SQL Relay modules for Perl.
- perl-Text-CSV_XS - Comma-separated values manipulation routines
- php-apc - PHP 캐시 확장
- php-oauth - php OAUTH 1.0 확장
- php-oci8 - php OCI8 확장 모듈
- php-pear - PHP 확장및 응용 프로그램 저장소 프레임웍
- php-pgsql - php posgresql 확장
- php-sqlrelay - php sqlrelay 확장
- php-xdebug - php xdebug 확장
- php-xhprof - php XHProf 확장
- php-zip - php zip 확장
- php72 - PHP 7.2 엔진
- php72-chardet - php 7.2 캐릭터셋 감지 확장
- php72-cli - php 7.2 cli 인터페이스
- php72-common - PHP 7.2에서 공통적으로 필요한 파일
- php72-dba - PHP 7.2 dba 확장
- php72-dblib - PHP 7.2 dba 확장
- php72-devel - php 7.2 확장 개발을 위한 파일들
- php72-execdir - php 7.2 KRISP 확장
- php72-extension - php 7.2 shared extension
- php72-fpm - php 7.2 fpm engine
- php72-fpm-conf - PHP FPM 설정 파일 및 구동 파일
- php72-geoip - php 7.2 GeoIP 확장
- php72-korean - php 7.2 extension that support high level api
- php72-krisp - php 7.2 KRISP 확장
- php72-mysql - PHP7.2 mysql 확장
- php72-nis - php 7.2 NIS 인증 확장
- php72-oci - PHP7.2 oci8/pdo_oci 확장
- php72-odbc - PHP 7.2 odbc, pdo_odbc 확장
- php72-pecl-apcu - APC 사용자 캐시 PHP 7.2 확장
- php72-pecl-imagick - Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library
- php72-pecl-memcache - PHP 7.2 PECL memcache v2 & v3 확장
- php72-pecl-oauth - php 7.2 OAUTH 1.0 확장
- php72-pecl-xdebug - php 7.2 xdebug 확장
- php72-pgsql - PHP 7.2 pgsql, pdo_pgsql 확장
- php72-recode - PHP 7.2 recode 확장
- proftpd - Professional FTP daemon
- proftpd-devel - ProFTPd 헤더 파일
- proftpd-doc - ProFTPd 문서 꾸러미
- proftpd-standalone - ProFTPd Standalone 구동 스크립트
- proftpd-xinetd - ProFTPd xinetd configuration
- pv - A tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
- pylibacl - POSIX.1e ACLs library wrapper for python
- pylint - Analyzes Python code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
- pylint-gui - Graphical Interface tool for Pylint
- python-Mako - Mako is a template library written in Python
- python-MarkupSafe - Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
- python-boto - Python interface to Amazon Web Services
- python-django-debug-toolbar - A configurable set of panels that display various debug information
- python-django-flash - Django-flash supports for Rails-like flash messages.
- python-django-mako - Provides a drop in replacement of django templates for mako templates.
- python-django-openid-auth - OpenID integration for django.contrib.auth
- python-flup - Random assortment of WSGI servers
- python-mcrypt - A comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library
- python-memcached - Pure python memcached client
- python-openid - OpenID support for servers and consumers.
- python-openpyxl - A Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files
- python-pip - Python 패키지 설치 및 관리 도구
- python-simplejson - Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- python-sqlrelay - SQL Relay modules for Python.
- python-xlrd - Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files
- python-xlwt - Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel
- pyxattr - Extended attributes library wrapper for Python