Letter S
Packages beginning with letter "S".
- shc - 쉘 스크립트 컴파일러(shc)
- splint - C 코드 보안/에러 검사 도구
- sqlite32 - 향상된 내장 SQL 데이터베이스 엔진 C 라이브러리
- sqlite32-devel - sqlite 를 이용한 개발시 필요한 헤더파일과 라이브러리들
- sqlite32-doc - sqlite3 document
- sqlrelay - 영구적인 데이터베이스 연결 시스템
- sqlrelay-client-devel-c - Development files for developing programs C that use SQL Relay
- sqlrelay-client-devel-c++ - Development files for developing programs in C++ that use SQL Relay
- sqlrelay-client-mysql - Drop in replacement library allowing MySQL clients to use SQL Relay instead
- sqlrelay-client-odbc - ODBC driver
- sqlrelay-client-postgresql - Drop in replacement library allowing PostgreSQL clients to use SQL Relay instead
- sqlrelay-client-runtime-c - Runtime libraries for SQL Relay clients written in C
- sqlrelay-client-runtime-c++ - Runtime libraries for SQL Relay clients written in C++
- sqlrelay-clients - Command line applications for accessing databases through SQL Relay
- sqlrelay-doc - Documentation for SQL Relay
- sqlrelay-freetds - SQL Relay connection plugin for FreeTDS (SAP/Sybase and MS SQL Server)
- sqlrelay-man - Man pages for SQL Relay
- sqlrelay-mysql - SQL Relay connection plugin for MySQL
- sqlrelay-odbc - SQL Relay connection plugin for ODBC
- sqlrelay-oracle - SQL Relay connection plugin for Oracle
- sqlrelay-postgresql - SQL Relay connection plugin for PostgreSQL
- sqlrelay-router - SQL Relay query routing daemon
- sqlrelay-server-devel - Development files for developing modules for the SQL Relay server
- sqlrelay-sqlite - SQL Relay connection plugin for SQLite
- swig3 - Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages
- swig3-doc - Documentation files for SWIG
- swig3-gdb - Commands for easier debugging of SWIG